Obama Adviser Uses Medicare Lie to Imply Seniors Will Die Under Romney

August 13, 2012 at 12:49 pm (Chuck Todd, End Medicare, Medicare, MSNBC, Paul Ryan, Priorities USA, Robert Gibbs)

Another case-in-point that the Obama campaign will not only stoop to unseen levels during this election cycle, but that they will repeatedly stoop to those levels.

Obama adviser Robert Gibbs was interviewed by Chuck Todd this morning on MSNBC, claiming that his 83-year-old lung cancer surviving father would be hurt by Paul Ryan’s medicare reform plan.

This particular lie however, was so egregious that even the far-left Todd had to point out that the Ryan plan would not apply to current seniors.

Gibbs also repeated the Democrat talking point that Ryan’s plan ends Medicare, a statement that in 2011 prompted Politifact to honor it with the phrase “Lie of the Year“.

The Democrats have already scraped the bottom of the barrel with the Priorities USA ad that expressly implies that Mitt Romney was the reason a man’s wife died from cancer.

The point being – the Obama administration wants you to believe that Ryan and Romney will willingly sacrifice seniors at the expense of reforming the medicare system.  Fear-mongering at its finest.

Watch the clip…

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