These Prices Are Insane! Planned Parenthood Abortion Office Offering Black Friday Discounts

November 23, 2012 at 4:49 pm (Abortion, Black Friday, Coupon, Discount, Florida, Planned Parenthood, Pro Life)

Black Friday is always a mixture of chaos and greed to kick off the shopping season.  But this is one of the strangest sales we’ve seen today.

You’ve seen video footage of people trampling each other for phones at Walmart, gouging each other’s eyes out for toys at Target, but will there really be a major clamoring for discount, bargain-basement prices at an abortion clinic?

One facility in Florida is certainly hoping so…

Via LifeNews:

A Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in souther Florida is offering a black Friday discount — including $10 off a visit to the abortion center today.

Planned Parenthood of South Florida and the Treasure Coast offered the special, saying, “Visit our West Palm Beach or Kendall Health Center for special after Thanksgiving savings on Friday, November 23rd.”

Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek noticed the Black Friday discount and responded, “Planned Parenthood brings new meaning to the term, “Black Friday,” doesn’t it?”

It certainly does.  Here’s the advertisement…

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Sick – Planned Parenthood Video Features Underage Girls Telling Their Mommy’s to Vote For Obama So They Can Have Abortions Someday

November 5, 2012 at 7:57 pm (2012 Election, Abortion, Daughters for Obama, Planned Parenthood, President Obama, Pro Life)

Of course, the act of abortion is blanketed safely inside the phrase ‘choice’, but the message remains the same.  I’m quite certain the irony that the girls in the video would never have a choice had they been aborted, is completely lost on the folks at Planned Parenthood.

Via LifeNews:

A new video making the rounds online with liberals has daughters, some of whom are clearly too young to engage in consensual sex, urging voters to support President Obama to protect legalized abortion.

“I can’t vote yet, but you can. Please vote for President Obama, otherwise your vote is a vote against me. Make the right choice so when I grow up, I can still have one,” the girls say.

The video was tweeted out by Planned Parenthood this afternoon, accompanied with this message:

Powerful video:  Daughters ask their mothers to #vote for @BarackObama

It’s powerful alright – powerfully nauseating.

Watch the video…

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Why Justin Bieber’s Mother Chose Life

September 17, 2012 at 5:08 pm (Abortion, Biebs, Justin Bieber, Kathie Lee Gifford, Pattie Mallette, Pro Life, Sexual Abuse, Today)

Pattie Mallette was told to abort her baby at the age of 17.  Despite not having the answers for how she could raise a baby, and despite a difficult situation in which she struggled with drugs and alcohol, having endured a situation that included sexual abuse, Mallette was determined to make it through her pregnancy.

Mallette is Justin Bieber’s mother.

In an interview with Today’s Kathie Lee Gifford due to air this week, Mallette gives a surprisingly candid account of why she opposed suggestions to abort her baby, gave birth, and ultimately raised one of the most powerful celebrities in the world.

(h/t Life News)

Prior to becoming pregnant, Mallette suffered sexual abuse, a subject she discusses in her new book, “Nowhere But Up: The Story of Justin Bieber’s Mom.” Of that abuse, Mallette told Gifford, “I’ve learned it’s normal and natural for anybody who’s been through sexual abuse to carry that shame and that blame and feel like there’s something wrong with you. So I definitely carried that.”

The shame was so much Mallette attempted to kill herself. She told Gifford that the suicide attempt was “a culmination of, you know, built up over the years with the abuse and the pain and at the time I was messed up with all the drugs and alcohol. I was in a depression and the drugs and alcohol kind of spurred that on some more.”

By the age of 17, Mallette became pregnant with Justin, and at the time, she was encouraged to abort the baby. Of course, Mallette said that was an option she couldn’t consider. “I just knew I couldn’t. I just knew I couldn’t. I just know I had to keep him,” she told Gifford. “And, do the best. I — you know, I didn’t know how I was going to do it. But I just knew that I couldn’t — I couldn’t abort. I had to do my best. I had to see what I could do. And I was determined to do whatever it took.”

Mallette went on to say that the first time she heard her son cry, it was literally music to her ears. “I know this sounds crazy, but he sounded like he was singing. He did,” she said. “It was like this, like, ‘A hah, a hah.’ And I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, it is so precious and amazing. I just want to squeeze him.’ “

 The full interview airs September 18-19 on the Today show.

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The Luckiest – How 9/11 Saved My Life

September 11, 2012 at 8:46 am (9/11, Abortion, Heroes, September 11th, The Luckiest)

For many, Sept. 11, 2001, was a day that will forever be seared into the minds of those who were witness. On that day, the nation was awoken by a harsh reality that there are people who want nothing more than to destroy our freedom, our way of life. That morning, America was brutally scarred for life. It was a day that 19 hijackers, four airplanes, two towers, and one deranged ideology brought the threat of terrorism to the forefront in our country.

For when we think of 9/11, many things understandably come to mind. We think of death – the sheer number of Americans killed that day was staggering. We think of terrorists. We think of tragedy, of loss, of hopelessness. We remember watching over 3,000 of our friends and family dying that day, we remember the screams of the heroes on Flight 93, the screams of women and men, mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, who desperately made an attempt to take back a plane scheduled for a suicide mission which surely would have killed many more.

I always have one other thought however – I think of life, and how mine began that day.

In a powerful speech a couple of years ago, Sarah Palin framed the upcoming elections using an issue sometimes relegated to the backburner during turbulent economic times – abortion. According to her, the elections boiled down to candidates who favor a ‘culture of life’, and those who promote a ‘culture of death’.

There are several arguments made by those supporting legalized abortion, the health of mother and child, and cases of rape and incest being what resonates with most. Polling suggests that a very small fraction of abortions are performed for these extreme reasons. Problems arise mostly in those who view abortion as a matter of social and economic convenience. Herein lies a fundamental flaw with the pro-choice argument; a struggle to acknowledge the fact that a human life begins at conception, and that same life is not an inconvenience but rather, a necessity.

This has been a concept that I, myself, once struggled with. Exactly eleven years ago that personal struggle ended. For Americans, 9/11 has a singular tragic meaning related to the events we endured as a nation. For one man, it also served as an awakening; a transformation from a ‘culture of death’ mentality, to a conservative embracement of life.

The year prior to 9/11, when word was received of the pending birth of my first child, my reaction, much like the autumn breeze, was a bit chilly. I went so far as to heavily promote the idea of an abortion to my girlfriend. I had failed to recognize the value of life, and though my girlfriend fortunately had, she was unable to instill this in me.

Recognizing that this disagreement was going nowhere, my next move was one that would make any self-respecting coward proud – I ran. Frightened. From responsibility, from acceptance of my actions, from hard work, from any semblance of religious or family values, and the sanctity of life – I ran.

The summer of ‘01 arrived, along with the birth of my daughter, an event that I did not witness. The burden of knowing that I was a father, but was not acting as such, weighed heavily on my mind. Yet still, I took no action.

On September 11th, I drove home from work, having been released early due to the attack and subsequent security concerns. While driving home on the highway, mind numb in trying to process the day’s events, I passed under a bridge. Looking up, there was a man who looked more than a bit ragged, as if he had just awakened to hear the news of the attacks, and simply walked out of his house. Wearing disheveled clothes and a weary face, he somehow found himself standing on this bridge, arms raised skyward, holding the American flag.

Nearly four hours later, needing to clear my head, I decided to get back in my car and take a drive. My route brought me to that same highway, with that same bridge. Four hours later, the same man was still standing there, holding the flag up as high as he possibly could.

I broke down.

Here was a man who had reacted to the carnage witnessed earlier in the day by standing on a bridge and simply raising a flag for hours. It seemed he had no idea what to do, while simultaneously knowing that he had to do something. There were parallels to be drawn with my own situation. Now – finally – I had to do something.

Shortly afterward, I brought my daughter home for the first time. I sat alone with her in a recliner in my apartment, when she began to cry. Her father was truly petrified, as nothing was putting this baby at ease. Thinking back to the man on the bridge once more, I knew that I had to do something.

Just then, a frightened man with a wretched voice began to sing. The song was The Luckiest, by Ben Folds, and it meant the world to this little girl. If the song stopped for even an instant, she would begin to cry again. She needed me to sing that song for her in that moment. She needed me to embrace her, but nowhere near as much as her father needed the same. The ‘culture of life’ had found us both. And on that day, I had become – The Luckiest.

Abortion should not be wielded as a weapon of convenience, something I was guilty of doing. And life does indeed begin at conception, not solely for the child, but possibly, as in this case, for the mother and father as well.

Embracing the ‘culture of life’ allows one to understand what it feels like to actually live. To know what it feels like to have a morning begin with a child’s sticky kisses. To realize that the incessant racket of a child’s rattle can be the sweetest sound. To experience that moment of clarity where working overtime on that crucial project no longer makes sense, but watching your child chewing on her favorite crayons does.

With that, we remember the fallen that perished on this day. We remember the servicemen and women who continue to fight for the freedoms that we took for granted 11 years ago. We remember because we must never forget.

And now, I have the opportunity to reflect back on this day together with my eleven-year old daughter and realize that I am indeed – The Luckiest.

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Democrats Drop God From Their Official Party Platform

September 4, 2012 at 4:23 pm (Abortion, Children, Democrats, DNC, God, War on Children, War on Religion, War on Women, Women)

The shocking part here is that they ever actually had God in the platform to begin with.

CBN reports:

Guess what? God’s name has been removed from the Democratic National Committee platform.

This is the paragraph that was in the 2008 platform:

“We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”

Now the words “God-given” have been removed. The paragraph has been restructured to say this:

“We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”

I suppose it would be difficult to include God in a platform that also “opposes any effort” to stop abortion.

LifeNews reports:

Democrats at the 2012 Democratic National Convention are set to approve a platform today that is unambiguously pro-abortion and opposes any effort whatsoever to stop any abortions. The platform also calls on forcing Americans to pay for abortions at taxpayer expense.

The platform Democrats will approve rejects efforts to stop forcing taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business and supports the Obama HHS mandate that forces religious groups to pay for and refer women for abortion-causing drugs under Obamacare.

Here is an excerpt of the exact wording on their abortion stance:

The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.

And so it is… Democrats are waging a War on God, Catholics, women, and children.

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Quite Possibly the Dumbest Pro-Choice Argument You’ll Read. Ever.

August 15, 2012 at 9:17 pm (Abortion, Brendan O'Neill, Economy, Happiness, Lynn Beisner, M.C. Escher, Poverty, Pro Life, Pro-Choice, Wish)

Lynn Beisner pens what may stand as the worst article you’ll ever lay your eyes upon, arguing a pro-abortion stance by wishing her mother had aborted her.

The piece, titled I Wish My Mother Had Aborted Me, approaches the topic of being pro-choice from an almost infantile-like mindset, littered with the ‘oh, woe is me’ nonsense you’d expect from a suicidal teenager.

The sub-headline argues that it won’t be what it ultimately becomes:

This is no ‘I wish I’d never been born’ howl of angst. I love my mother, and having an abortion would have given her a better life.

But it is precisely this, as Beisner sings the blues about her mother’s “bone-crushing poverty” and “childhood trauma”.  Interestingly, she refers to her mother as “love-starved” without ever acknowledging the possibility that the arrival of a child could have helped curb that hunger.

The article doesn’t simply address how an abortion would have been better for the mother, it also argues that it would have been better for the author:

Abortion would have been a better option for me. If you believe what reproductive scientists tell us, that I was nothing more than a conglomeration of cells, then there was nothing lost.

Nothing lost is written without the slightest hint of irony – the catch 22 that, Beisner would not be able to write such a column had her wish come true.  She would not be a writer.  She would not be pro-choice.  She would not be – period.

The whining grows stronger as the piece moves on:

It is true that in the past 12 years, I have been able to rise above the circumstances of my birth and build a life that I truly love. But no one should have to make such a Herculean struggle for simple normalcy. Even given the happiness and success I now enjoy, if I could go back in time and make the choice for my mother, it would be abortion.

The world would not be a darker or poorer place without me. Actually, in terms of contributions to the world, I am a net loss. Everything that I have done – including parenting, teaching, researching, and being a loving partner – could have been done as well, if not better by other people. Any positive contributions that I have made are completely offset by what it has cost society to help me overcome the disadvantages and injuries of my childhood to become a functional and contributing member of society.

Because the road was long and difficult in Beisner’s eyes, no one should have to travel such a road.  You can not, with any sense of conviction state that you have become truly happy and love life, while simultaneously wishing you could go back in time and terminate your own life.

Brendan O’Neill of the Telegraph writes:

Campaigning for abortion on the basis that it can solve the alleged population crisis or reduce the number of depressed teenagers or make it easier for people like Ms Beisner to live with themselves (or not, as the case may be) takes us perilously close to eugenics territory. It takes us towards a situation where abortion is treated as a tool of political and social goals. Such cynical politicking and outright narcissism represent a profound warping of the pro-choice principle.

In the end, Beisner is making a passionate argument for abortion, while wishing she was never able to make such a passionate argument.  She is the M.C. Escher of the pro-abortion lobby.

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Sick – Abortion Doctor Discusses Killing "Ugly Black Babies"

August 7, 2012 at 7:00 am (Abortion, Ashutosh Ron Virmani, Black Babies, Black Childre, Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union, Pro Life, Ugly)

The abortion industry is appalling enough on it’s own, but adding a racial element to the practice is even that much more abhorrent.

The abortion industry has always had a racial component — since the days of Margaret Sanger and her eugenics past — and more evidence of the inherent racism within abortion has come to light.

Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union, is alerting people to a video that shows abortion practitioner Ashutosh Ron Virmani referring to the black children that he kills as “ugly black babies.”

“Let me see one of you adopt one of those ugly black babies,” she says.

“Excuse me? It’s all too obvious that he has a particular disgust for black babies and therefore has no problems killing them,” Gardner responds. “The black community should be outraged because Ashutosh Virmani is a brazen racist and his statement supports what we already know of the billion dollar abortion industry–black babies are targeted because they are seen as poor, worthless and maybe even ‘ugly.’”

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Obama Continually Using His Daughters to Promote Abortion

July 25, 2012 at 11:00 am (Abortion, Birth Control, Choice, Daughters, Malia Obama, President Obama, Pro Abortion, Pro Life, Sasha Obama, War on Children)

“I think peoples families are off limits and people’s children are especially off limits.”

– Barack Obama, September 2008

Not so when it comes to arguing your pro-abortion stance.  After all, it was just days prior to the above statement that Obama said this:

“… I’ve got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

The President continues to view childbirth as a punishment, using his daughters and possible future grandchildren as supporting arguments in the pro-abortion fight, and in reasoning for government funding of Planned Parenthood clinics.

Politico reports:

President Barack Obama got personal with his stump speech Tuesday.

“Mr. Romney wants to get rid of funding for Planned Parenthood. I think that’s a bad idea,” Obama said to about 950 donors at the Oregon Convention Center as he highlighted differences with Mitt Romney. “I’ve got two daughters. I want them to control their own health care choices.”

Politico is acting as if this is a new tactic, but the President has been using his own daughters in the War on Children consistently, citing children as economic hindrances to a better life (h/t LifeNews).

At a campaign event on May 23rd in California:

We certainly don’t need another political fight about ending a woman’s right to choose, or get rid of Planned Parenthood, or taking away affordable birth control.  (Applause.)  I want women to control their own health choices, just like I want my daughters to have the same opportunities as your sons.  We’re not turning back the clock.  We won’t do that.  (Applause.)

Another campaign event on the 23rd in Colorado:

We certainly don’t need another political fight about ending a woman’s right to choose, or get rid of Planned Parenthood, or taking away affordable birth control.  (Applause.)  I want women to control their own health choices, just like I want my daughters to have the same opportunities as your sons.  We’re not turning back the clock.  We won’t do that.  (Applause.) 

At a campaign event on May 24th in Iowa:

We don’t need another political fight about ending a woman’s right to choose, or getting rid of Planned Parenthood — (applause) — or taking away affordable birth control.  We don’t need that.  (Applause.)  I want women to control their own health choices, just like I want my daughters to have the same economic opportunities as my sons.  We’re not turning back the clock.  (Applause.)  We’re not going back there. 

Maryland, June 12th, 2012:

We don’t need another political fight about ending a woman’s right to choose, or getting rid of Planned Parenthood — (applause) — taking away access to affordable birth control.  I want women to control their own health choices, just like I want my daughters to have the same opportunities as your sons.  (Applause.)  

And the list continues…

Using your daughters as political props when you’ve declared them off limits is tasteless, using them to promote the killing of unwanted children is reprehensible.

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Video – Planned Parenthood Encourages Woman to Abort Baby Because It’s a Girl

May 29, 2012 at 11:19 am (Abortion, Live Action, Medicaid, Planned Parenthood, Pro Life, Pro-Choice, Sex Selection, War on Children, War on Women)

Now where have we heard of this before?  Oh yes, communist China.

A recently released video from a group called Live Action shows a Planned Parenthood staffer encouraging a pregnant woman to have an abortion if it is determined that the baby she is carrying is a girl.  The woman’s preference is for a baby boy. 

The practice is known as a sex-selection abortion, and denegrates the miracle of childbirth down to the level of a drive-thru order.

Further, the employee also encourages the woman to get on Medicaid, so she can have the ultrasound that will provide the knowledge necessary to determine whether to continue the pregnancy (if it’s a boy) or terminate the baby (if it’s a girl).

The Daily Caller reports:

Live Action says Planned Parenthood and other U.S. abortion providers are willing to assist in the termination of baby girls for pregnant women who choose abortion because they want to have baby boys. And the pro-life abortion watchdog says its video series and a new website will expose it all…

The first in what Live Action says is a series of videotaped incidents exposing American abortion facilities’ willingness to assist in sex-selection abortions took place at a South Austin, Texas Planned Parenthood clinic. In the footage, a Planned Parenthood counselor appears to readily assist and advise a Live Action actor who said she was trying to obtain an abortion if her baby is female.

“In this video, what is astounding is that Rebecca, the Planned Parenthood counselor, starts arranging with the actor about how to get a late-term abortion,” Rose said. “To wait until her pregnancy is so developed that — and using Medicaid for this, using the state to pay for the ultrasound to determine the gender, and then to do a late term abortion if it was a little girl.”

Remember when ultrasounds were used to figure out if the nursery needed blue or pink paint? Now it is being used to abort later term babies and try again until you have your preferred choice.

So who is conducting the real War on Women here – conservatives or pro-abortion liberals?

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Percentage of Americans Supporting Abortion at Record Low

May 23, 2012 at 11:00 am (Abortion, Democrat, Gallup, Independent, Life, Pro Life, Pro-Choice, Republican)

A newly released Gallup poll shows that the number of Americans identifying themselves as pro-choice has dropped to 41% – a new record low.  At the same time, those identifying as pro-life have risen to 50%. 

Via Gallup:

The 41% of Americans who now identify themselves as “pro-choice” is down from 47% last July and is one percentage point below the previous record low in Gallup trends, recorded in May 2009. Fifty percent now call themselves “pro-life,” one point shy of the record high, also from May 2009.

And it isn’t just one particular section of America, as the poll clearly indicates that all three major political groups – Republicans, Independents, and Democrats – are trending in the pro-life direction.

From LifeNews:

Gallup says the decline in Americans’ self-identification as “pro-choice” is seen across the three U.S. political groups — with Republicans increasingly becoming pro-life.

“Since 2001, the majority of Republicans have consistently taken the pro-life position, but by a gradually increasing margin over “pro-choice.” That gap expanded further this year, with the percentage of Republicans identifying as pro-life increasing to 72% from 68% last May, and those identifying as pro-choice dropping to 22% from 28%,” Gallup noted.

Independent voters are also trending pro-life, with Gallup pointing out that the percentage of political independents identifying as pro-choice is 10 points lower today than in May 2011, while the percentage pro-life is up by six points. As a result, pro-lifers now outnumber pro-choicers among this important swing political group for only the second time since 2001, with the first occurring in 2009.

Even Democrats, who support abortion, are trending in the pro-life direction, according to the survey.

“Democrats’ views on abortion have changed the least over the past 12 years, with roughly 60% calling themselves pro-choice and about a third pro-life. Democrats’ identification as pro-choice was above this range in May 2011, but has returned to about 60% in the current poll,” Gallup noted.

Read the rest here…

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