Even Politico Isn’t Taking Obama Seriously

October 9, 2012 at 7:19 am (2012 Election, Big Bird, Chicago, Mitt Romney, Obama Campaign, PBS, Poltico, President Obama)

Even the left-leaning Politico is out there mocking the Obama campaign as having no real message for the American people.  They have a new blog posting titled, Chicago Gets Serious…, in which the first sentence reads, “…and by serious, we mean not at all serious.”

The Obama campaign is out this morning with a goofy video of the Big Bird variety, mocking Mitt Romney, as the president has put it, as going easy on Wall Street but heavy on Sesame Street.

The campaign is calling this a TV spot, but did not, as officials there usually do, say where it’s airing, suggesting this is a video for media and YouTube consumption.

As Alex noted yesterday when the Pew poll numbers came out, we’ve long warned – and been warned – about big swings in surveys in what has been a fairly stable race. But the sampling of surveys out there do suggest a real Romney bounce.

And the president, as others have noted, and his team have been going fairly small at a moment when Romney is consistent in a message and pivoting toward going bigger (the foreign policy speech, more emotion on the trail, and so forth). And this video is the kind of small ball that Boston smacked over for months.

Here’s the ad in question…

You know it has to be bad when the President has lost Poiltico.  But the fact is, the campaign has to run ads about non-substantive issues such as the funding of PBS and Big Bird, because the administration has zero real policies that they can tout as successful.  The only success he’s had in four years is the ‘I killed Osama’ chest-thumping, but even that has been tempered by the disaster in Libya.
They’re grasping at straws.  This is what happens when you put amateur hour up against an actual Presidential candidate.

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