ENDORSEMENT: David Bellavia for Congress

June 25, 2012 at 6:02 am (Congress, David Bellavia, District 27, Jack Davis, Long Island, New York, Paul Ryan, Republican, The Right Hook)

If you’ll look at a map of New York, you’ll notice that Long Island is nowhere near Western New York. Actually, they’re pretty much as far away from each other as two points in the state can get. It’s not often I would have an opinion in what’s going on in the NY-27. But as a Republican concerned about the direction of my party and an American concerned about the direction of my country, I’d like to offer my endorsement of David Bellavia for Congress.

Party wise, he gives New York Republicans three things we need desperately: youth, energy, and a fresh face. Instead of coming up through the local patronage machine, Bellavia, 36, is a decorated Iraq war veteran and was nominated for the Medal of Honor. He’s been working his way all throughout the district, knocking on as many doors as he can, making contact is as many voters as is possible, to hear what they’re concerns are and to ask for their votes…not expect them, but ask for them.
Country wise, I’ve had him on “The Right Hook” twice now and he had me at “I’m a Paul Ryan Republican.” Bellavia sees the way the country is heading, and the debt that we’re leaving to our children, and wants to stop it. That’s going to take leaders who aren’t afraid to make tough decisions, and not be afraid to make the case to the voters and tell them what those decisions are and why they need to be made. Taxes, jobs, entitlements…these are all issues where politicians are scared away from introducing real reforms because they know the attack that’s coming from their opponents. David Bellavia isn’t. On every important economic issue he wants to push for bold reforms. If he wasn’t scared off in Fallujah, he’s not going to be scared off by the Democrat Party playing the tired old “mediscare card.”
I know his detractors point to him endorsing “progressive” Jack Davis after he wasn’t given the nomination during last year’s special election. Honestly? I remember reading that when it happened and thinking to myself it was a dick move. While he’s since said that it was a mistake and that he took things too personally (particularly when his family was attacked), and that it was a learning experience, it was still a mistake that a season politician wouldn’t have made.
Guess what? He’s not a career politician…and thank God for that. He’s a regular citizen looking to make a difference, and if we as conservatives are going claim we want more real people and less politicians running for office, we can’t disqualify those real people for every mistake a politician wouldn’t have made.
I don’t care that he endorsed Jack Davis in 2011. I care that he endorsed Paul Ryan in 2012…especially considering the conventional media wisdom that says the “Ryan budget” is why Kathy Hochul is a congresswoman in the first place.
Primary day is June 26th. If you live in the district, please vote for David Bellavia. If not, I’m sure he could use your help in other ways.

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