Disgrace: President on "Pimp With The Limp" Show to Campaign on 9/11

September 12, 2012 at 7:00 am (9/11, Disgrace, DJ Laz, Lazaro Mendez, Medicare, Mitt Romney, Pimp With the Limp, President Obama, September 11th)

President Obama and Mitt Romney agreed to pull campaign ads on the 11-year anniversary of 9/11, in an attempt to quiet negative political conversations on a solemn day.

But that didn’t stop the President from making a complete ass of himself regardless, begging for volunteers and chatting it up on the airwaves with a hip hop DJ that goes by the name of “Pimp With the Limp”, a man previously charged with a felony weapons charges in 1993.

The President is a disgrace.

It started yesterday morning with Mitt Romney issuing this tweet (h/t Jammie Wearing Fools):

The President also decided to remember ‘this most somber day’, but in a vastly different manner:
That, if you can believe it, was the only tweet from Obama’s feed on 9/11 until well into the afternoon.  When conservative blogs such as JWF and Twitchy noticed, only then was another statement released.
As pathetic as that was, it does not compare to this…
Via the PJ Tatler:

Today, the same day that his twitter feed failed to acknowledge 9-11 at all and the same day that Egyptian protesters assaulted the US embassy in Cairo, the same day that the White House refused a meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel at the end of the month, President Obama took time out of his very busy schedule to do an interview with Miami’s DZ Laz aka “the Pimp with the Limp.”

Here is the audio clip:

The Miami Herald reports that the supposedly muted political day included Medi-scare tactics, claiming that the repeal of Obamacare would cause Medicare to go bankrupt.

Laz even got false ones.

For instance, Obama said that repealing Obamacare, which cut Medicare and helped extend the life of the program by eight years,  would cause the program to go “bankrupt by 2016.”

That’s not really true. If the cuts were repealed, a main hospital trust fund for Medicare would start to take in less than it pays out. But that’s not bankruptcy.

On the whole, Obama stayed on message, dropped a few pop culture references and reached an audience that seldom pays close attention to politics. He also avoided talking about 9/11 on 9/11’s anniversary, but** made time to mock the Dolphins bad record.

The Laz being referred to in the opening sentence is the “pimp with the limp’s” other radio name, DJ Laz.  DJ Laz has the given name, Lazaro Mendez.
Mendez himself gave an interview last year in which he discussed such noble causes as underage drinking and drinking on the job.  
Mendez was also hit with a felony weapons charge in 1993, and was charged with petit larceny in 1997.  
And more recently, one of Mendez guns was used in the murder-suicide of an associate, his associate’s wife, and her mother.
Despite both campaigns pledging not to play politics on the anniversary of 9/11, the President opted to attack Mitt Romney on a Florida hip hop station with a DJ that has a lengthy rap sheet, lying about the Romney/Ryan Medicare reform plan, and conducting negative campaigning on a day the country should have set aside politics.  
This is, in a word, disgraceful.

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