Ronald Reagan’s Blood Being Sold At Auction

May 22, 2012 at 4:23 pm (1981, Assassination Attempt, BBC News, Blood, Kylie Whitehead, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan Foundation, Vial, Washington)

Who exactly is in the market for this?  Unless … unless, somebody plans to clone him and replace Mitt Romney on the ticket…


Via the AP:

A Channel Islands online auction house has angered Ronald Reagan’s foundation by claiming to offer a vial that once contained his blood.

The PFCAuctions house says the vial contains some of Reagan’s dried blood residue. The auctioneers say it was used by the laboratory that tested Reagan’s blood when he was hospitalized after a 1981 assassination attempt in Washington.

Officials at the Ronald Reagan Foundation in California have told BBC News that the sale is despicable.

Auction house spokeswoman Kylie Whitehead told The Associated Press that the blood is being sold by a man whose late mother took it from the laboratory with permission weeks after the tests were made.

Bidding for the vial had passed the 7,000-pound ($11,000) mark Tuesday.

Currently, the leading bid stands closer to the equivalent of $15,000.

Here is the auction posting… 

And here is the image of your prize if you happen to have several grand laying around:

Reuters reports that an investigation is underway as to how somebody ended up with the vial in the first place.
The Ronald Reagan Foundation as you can imagine, is outraged:

Ronald Reagan’s foundation expressed outrage on Monday at a British company’s auction of what it says is a vial of the late U.S. president’s blood taken at the hospital where he was treated after a 1981 assassination attempt.

“If indeed this story is true, it’s a craven act and we will use every legal means to stop its sale or purchase,” John Heubusch, executive director of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, said in a statement.

At the very least, the story is bizarre…

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Obama Rewrites Other President’s Official Biographies – By Adding HIS Accomplishments

May 15, 2012 at 10:22 am (Biography, Calvin Coolidge, Gerald Ford, Narcissist, Official, President Obama, Ronald Reagan, White House)

We knew the President was a classic case of narcissism wrapped up in a pretty pink bow, but he may have reached the apex of his self-absorbed career with this one.

The White House website, as most know, features biographies of all past Presidents of the United States.  Apparently, several former Presidents have had their biographies modified, with many accomplishments now sporting the addition of how Obama himself has either achieved the same level of greatness, or has somehow carried the torch.

This is a borderline cry for help.  Why does the President of the United States find it necessary to seek approval by rewriting history, and wedging himself into the conversation?

From Commentary Magazine:

Many of President Obama’s fervent devotees are young enough not to have much memory of the political world before the arrival of The One. Coincidentally, Obama himself feels the same way—and the White House’s official website reflects that.

The Heritage Foundation’s Rory Cooper tweeted that Obama had casually dropped his own name into Ronald Reagan’s official biography on, claiming credit for taking up the mantle of Reagan’s tax reform advocacy with his “Buffett Rule” gimmick. My first thought was, he must be joking. But he wasn’t—it turns out Obama has added bullet points bragging about his own accomplishments to the biographical sketches of every single U.S. president since Calvin Coolidge (except, for some reason, Gerald Ford).

Here is an example in the case of Coolidge (emphasis mine):

On Feb. 22, 1924 Calvin Coolidge became the first president to make a public radio address to the American people. President Coolidge later helped create the Federal Radio Commission, which has now evolved to become the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). President Obama became the first president to hold virtual gatherings and town halls using Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.

First reaction upon hearing this was similar to the author’s – it has to be a joke.  This is so beneath the President’s office that it simply cannot be true.  Sadly it is, and sadly, we’re learning that there isn’t much that can be considered beneath this President.

Read the rest here…

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Video – Happy 101st President Reagan!

February 6, 2012 at 9:11 pm (America, Apologist, Optimism, President Obama, Ronald Reagan, Voice)

Reagan was a positive voice for America.

Obama is an apologist for America.

Watch the two visions for our country, brought to you by Americans For Prosperity:

The message?

We miss your optimism.  Your love of America.  And your belief in the power of freedom.

You have no idea just how much…

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