Wife Of Democrat Congressman Maurice Hinchey Sentenced to Prison For DWI

August 10, 2012 at 1:51 pm (Allison Lee-Hinchey, Congress, Democrat, Drunk Driving, DWAI, DWI, Hurley, Maurice Hinchey, New York, Ulster County)

Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) recently announced his retirement after serving 10 terms in the House of Representatives.  He served New York’s 22nd congressional district since 1993.

Reasons for Hinchey’s retirement varied, though some speculated that health scares (he’s undergone two rounds of colon cancer surgery since July), and advancing age may have been the reasons.  It’s been a tough year health-wise.
Unfortunately, the bad news continues for the Hinchey family…

Allison Lee-Hinchey, the lobbyist wife of Congressman Maurice Hinchey, was sentenced to 60 days in jail Friday and three years probation for driving drunk with a suspended license last winter when she rear-ended another car on Lark Street.

Lee-Hinchey, 50, of Hurley, Ulster County, must report to the Albany County jail by 5 p.m. Friday and submit to an ignition interlock device — which checks whether a driver is intoxicated before it allows an car’s engine to start — on any car she drives for the duration of her probation…

 … “I regret my actions,” Lee-Hinchey told the judge shortly before he meted out the punishment for her second alcohol-related conviction in less than a year. She went on to say that she would try to be “a better citizen.”

The latest incident occurred in January, and established a pattern of drunk driving by Hinchey, having pled guilty to a DWAI in December.  She was also arrested on similar charges in May.

We sincerely hope Ms. Hinchey can get the help she needs in order to overcome this problem, and that the family can move on in a positive manner.  We also wish Mr. Hinchey continued health in his retirement.

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