Study: Red States Far More Charitable Than Blue States

August 20, 2012 at 6:07 pm (Barack Obama, Blue States, Charity, Democrats, Donating, Donations, John McCain, Philanthropy, Red States, Republicans)

I remember a liberal friend of mine once saying to me that they couldn’t understand how I could be a Republican, ‘because they just seem so mean’.

And listening to Democrats rail about how Republicans are greedy, that they want to cut Grandma’s Medicare benefits, how they have to force the rich to pay more in taxes because it’s the patriotic thing to do so, and so on, you just might believe it.

But make no mistake, Democrats aren’t a kinder bunch.  They don’t want to spread their wealth around, they want to spread yours.

A new study from the Chronicle of Philanthropy shows that the most charitable states in the US are all red, while the least charitable are all blue.

Red states give more money to charity than blue states, according to a new study on Monday.

The eight states with residents who gave the highest share of their income to charity supported Sen. John McCain in 2008, while the seven states with the least generous residents went for President Barack Obama, the Chronicle of Philanthropy found in its new survey of tax data from the IRS for 2008.

The eight states whose residents gave the highest share of their income — Utah, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, Idaho, Arkansas and Georgia — all backed McCain in 2008. Utah leads charitable giving, with 10.6 percent of income given.

And the least generous states — Wisconsin, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire — were Obama supporters in the last presidential race. New Hampshire residents gave the least share of their income, the Chronicle stated, with 2.5 percent.

“The reasons for the discrepancies among states, cities, neighborhoods are rooted in part in each area’s political philosophy about the role of government versus charity,” the study’s authors noted.

Democrats however will continue to portray the Republican party as the party of rich, greedy, old men who make their money off the backs of the 99%.

The difference though is clear – Republicans want the choice to give their money to charity, while Democrats want to legislate charity by forcing others to hand over their hard-earned money.  Isn’t that a fundamental difference of both parties – choice vs. government?

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