MSNBC Somehow Finds a Way to Criticize Romney For Collecting Food and Supplies For Hurricane Victims

October 31, 2012 at 7:00 am (2012 Election, Andrea Mitchell, Chris Cillizza, Disaster, Donations, Hurricane Sandy, Liberals, Martin Bashir, Mitt Romney, MSNBC, Ohio, President Obama, Red Cross)

Only the leftist hacks at MSNBC could somehow find fault in a person trying to donate time and effort to support the victims of a disastrous hurricane.

Via NewsBusters:

In this afternoon’s broadcast of Andrea Mitchell Reports, Mitchell accused Romney of surreptitious campaigning, and asked what are the true intentions of Governor Romney collecting storm supplies after a hurricane.  With Chris Cillizza, who writes Washington Post’s The Fix blog, Andrea Mitchell nonsensically noted how donations are the most effective forms of assistance in situations like this because there is no packaging involved.  Mitchell revealed herself, yet again, as a liberal hack, and someone who is absent minded when it comes to common sense.  There are 7.5 million people without power, and how dare Mitt Romney try to help those in need.  

Additionally, Mitchell’s colleague, Martin Bashir, added to this anti-charity narrative on his show this afternoon with “Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and Lehigh professor James Peterson [saying], Mayor Reed, so the Red Cross knows what it’s doing. Did he, did you detect perhaps a subtle dig there on Mr. Romney who spent today going against the guidelines established by the Red Cross and holding a campaign rally in Ohio that was dressed up like a charity drive collecting food and other supplies when the Red Cross expressly asked people not to do that?” 

NewsBusters colleague Noel Sheppard aptly said, “Imagine that. A presidential candidate who gives millions of dollars a year to charity does a storm relief event in Ohio, and an MSNBC anchor is disgusted by it because the Red Cross would prefer people donating cash.”

Of course, had Romney simply cut a check to the Red Cross you know these same hacks would be piling on him for being too rich, out of touch, and lacking in compassion.

Oddly enough, they weren’t nearly as critical of the President who instead of actually holding a relief effort, was busy trying to convince supporters in hurricane ravaged areas to phone bank for his re-election campaign.

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