Team Obama Selling Designer Gear For the 1%

January 12, 2012 at 9:17 pm (2012 Election, Barack Obama, Beyonce, Diane Von Furstenberg, Jason Wu, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Occupy Wall Street, President Obama, Ron Paul, Russell Simmons, Sean Combs, Tory Burch, Vera Wang)

The most free-spending President in the history of the United States, the supposed warrior for the middle class, and the man who proclaimed that the Occupy Wall Street movement reflects a “broad-based frustration” with the U.S. financial system, has gone all 1% on your a**, offering upscale fashion designs to benefit – not the 99% – but his own campaign.

ABC News reports:

Forget those pedestrian campaign t-shirts, buttons and bumper stickers.  The Obama Campaign has officially gone upscale and chic in an effort to help re-elect the president in 2012.

Their new “Runway to Win” line of  designer campaign swag is now for sale in the campaign’s online store, featuring colorful  $85 tote bags by big name designers Vera Wang and  Diane Von Furstenberg and a $75 version by fashion favorite Tory Burch.

The priciest of the 13 items listed online is a $95 for a Thakoon-designed silk scarf.

There are t-shirts designed by Sean Combs and Beyonce, and various other high-end items from designers and celebrities, such as Jason Wu, Marc Jacobs, and Russell Simmons.

Warner Todd Huston of Wizbang laments:

Obama? Why, he’s the middle class warrior, isn’t he? He’s the veritable man of the people, darn it. He has beer summits and he chows down on burgers and fries just like us reg’lar folks. Gone are the arugula days, the million-dollar vacations and secret Hollywood star-studded Halloween parties…. one out of three ain’t bad, anyway. On the other hand, perhaps all those claims of Obama’s middle class appeal are a bit of a show. If Obama’s new high-end, très chic campaign gear is any indication, he’s driving right for the vaunted One Percent.

And just to add contrast, those nasty rich Republicans are offering bargain basement prices for their swag…

As to the Republicans, t-shirts on Mitt Romney’s website cost no higher than $30, Newt’s t-shirts are only $20 — or you can get an embroidered polo for $40 — and Ron Paul charges even less offering his Ts for the low, low, dime-store prices of $17 and $18.

Of course, the banter coming out of the DNC that Obama is ‘just a dude‘ and that he really sympathizes with the 99% is complete bunk.  They must really think that the strategy to pull the wool over the American people’s eyes worked so good in ’08, that they can do it again.  They pretend to be regular Target shopping Americans, whilst selling off $95 scarves, in between 90 rounds of golf while the wife is sipping Mai Tais in a $2000 sundress and a pair of $545 tennis shoes, on their taxpayer funded, $4 million vacation stay in Hawaii..

Anyway, check out the store and have fun shopping 99 percenters!

Photo courtesy of

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