Gutsy Call? Obama Admin Drafted Memo to Blame Military if Bin Laden Raid Failed

May 7, 2012 at 11:39 am (Gutsy Call, Michael Mukasey, My Ass, Osama Bin laden, President Obama, Sean Hannity)

All the glory, none of the blame. 

Why would the administration have to draft a legal memo, when the media clearly would have covered him and blamed the military if the raid was unsuccessful? 

Is a memo really capable of convincing people you have a spine?

Via Fox News (Video below):

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey told Sean Hannity tonight that the Obama Administration drafted a memo to protect the president from blame if the mission to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden would have failed. That way Obama could blame the general instead of taking the blame himself. Mukasey wrote about it this week in The Wall Street Journal.

“That was a highly lawyered memo (designed to protect the president politically). . . I think there’s going to be more that’s going to be tumbling out about that escapade but so far that memo is enough.”

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Palin Says ‘Go Rogue’ – Allen West for VP

April 4, 2012 at 7:00 am (2012 Election, Allen West, Florida, GOP, Republican, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Vice President)

I have to disagree…  Allen West isn’t ‘going rogue’ – he is the obvious choice.

From Politico:

Sarah Palin says there’s one name at the top of her list if the Republican Party wants to “go rogue” in its pick for the vice presidential nominee: Rep. Allen West.
The former vice presidential candidate told Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Tuesday that the Florida Republican would be a great choice for the 2012 ticket. She argued that the eventual presidential nominee shouldn’t “think they have to go with somebody necessarily safe.”
“Top of my list is Allen West,” she said. “I love that he has that military experience. He is a public servant willing to serve for the right reasons. He understands the Constitution. He understands our national foreign policy issues that must be addressed. He has served. I really like him. There are so many, Sean, that are out there. And when I talk about going rogue, what I want to do is encourage the GOP nominee to not think that they have to go with somebody necessarily safe that conventional wisdom perhaps would lead somebody to believe that, if it’s somebody, quote-unquote, safe, that they’re not going to get beat up by the media, because no matter who it is.”

Read the rest… 

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