Sarah Palin: Focus on Obama’s Record of "Dismal Failure"

August 12, 2012 at 12:00 pm (Barack Obama, Dismal Failure, Economy, Facebook, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin)

Late last night, Sarah Palin took to Facebook, encouraging conservatives to unite behind the Romney/Ryan ticket.

She asked readers to focus on Barack Obama’s failed economic record, cautioned against the MSM enablers, and urged voters to unite not only behind the Republican presidential candidate, but other key congressional elections this November.

Sarah Palin:

“Barack Obama’s record is one of dismal failure, which is why he isn’t talking about it. He would rather spend his time demonizing his opponents. The simple fact remains that Mitt Romney is not responsible for the dire state of our economy or the corruption and incompetence of the current administration.

Over the next 86 days, Barack Obama will try to distract us from his record. Many in the media will roll along with him in this mission. We must not let them continue the deception and distractions, and we must not be afraid to call the President out on his lies. His entire record in office exposes the false promises he made four years ago.”

Read the rest here… 

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