Report: 20 Million Could Lose Their Current Coverage Under Obamacare

March 15, 2012 at 4:31 pm (CBO, Doctor, Healthcare, Law, Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare)

Remember this?

Now that we’ve gone the Pelosi route and passed the bill to see what’s in it, the CBO is running the numbers and it ain’t pretty:

Earlier this week we learned that the healthcare bill will cost twice the original estimate.  And now, this…

Via The Hill:

As many as 20 million Americans could lose their employer-provided coverage because of President Obama’s healthcare reform law, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said in a new report Thursday.
The figure represents the worst-case scenario, CBO says, and the law could just as well increase the number of people with employer-based coverage by 3 million in 2019. 
The best estimate, subject to a “tremendous amount of uncertainty,” is that about 3 million to 5 million fewer people will obtain coverage through their employer each year from 2019 through 2022.

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