Weekend Recess: Michelle Jenneke’s Sexy Pre-Race Routine Heats Up the Internet

July 21, 2012 at 12:54 pm (Athlete, Australia, Australian, Barcelona, Boys, Hurdler, Hurdles, Michelle Jenneke, Olympics, Sabrina, Sexy, Spain, Weekend Recess, World Junior Championships)

Usually our Weekend Recess clips are some sort of humorous video clip lighting up the internet that particular week.  This week, we’re throwing a bone to our biggest audience share – the 18-34 year old single male.

That said, this video isn’t without humor.  Whoever chose the cheesy background music to accompany the video has made the whole thing.  The music makes it laugh-worthy throughout.

Incidentally, our other biggest audience attribute?  According to Lijit.com, 43% of our readers make $100,000 in annual salary.  With that in mind, I’d like to direct your attention to the ‘DONATE’ button located on the right side of this page.  The shiny, candy-like button…

Without further ado, time to meet Michelle Jenneke, dancing internet sensation…

Via With Leather:

Australian hurdler Michelle Jenneke won heat 2 of the Women’s 100 metres hurdles at the 14th IAAF World Junior Championships in Barcelona over the weekend, and if you watch the following video closely you’ll take away three major observations:

1. Michelle Jenneke is good at hurdles.

2. Michelle Jenneke is smoking hot.

3. Michelle Jenneke is the only thing your brain will let you think of when Michelle Jenneke is dancing.

While everyone else is stretching out and concentrating, Michelle starts go-go dancing. The announcers mention how she’s “certainly having fun”, and then she kills everybody at the hurdles. When she wins, she hugs everyone and waves at the crowd.

If you watch this clip and don’t love Michelle Jenneke, please consult your physician.

Yahoo! Sports added:

According to Bleacher Report, sports blog With Leather posted raw, live-stream footage of Jenneke’s prerace routine, then went back and edited it with an “overt celebration of Jenneke and her dancing and running presented in gratuitous slow motion, and with an awful song over it.”

Here ya go…

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