Did Romney Just Commit Political Suicide?

February 22, 2012 at 5:07 pm (1%, 2012 Election, 99%, Conservative, Fair Share, Fairness, GOP, Mitt Romney, Occupy, Occupy Wall Street, Republican, Taxes)

Mitt Romney spoke in Arizona today and somehow had his speech taken over by a Bizzaro Romney – essentially selling his tax plan by calling on the “top 1%” to “pay their fair share”.

Apparently Romney’s been smoking the same thing they indulge in down at Occupy Wall Street.  Playing the class warfare card and actually invoking the rhetoric of the President and the handout-loving Occupiers?

Does this mark the death knell for a man seeking the GOP nomination with a base of voters who are already wary of his flip-flopping, Massachusetts liberal ways?  By demonstrating and reiterating that he is the most liberal member of the pack?

Via Buzzfeed:

Mitt Romney embraced the language of the Occupy movement in order to sell his tax policy today, saying he wants to maintain the current progressivity in the tax code, while lowering rates for all.

“I am going to lower rates across the board for all Americans by 20%. And in order to limit any impact on the deficit, because I do not want to add to the deficit, and also in order to make sure we continue to have progressivity as we’ve had in the past in our code, I’m going to limit the deductions and exemptions particularly for high income folks. And by the way, I want to make sure you understand that, for middle income families, the deductibility of home mortgage interest and charitable contributions will continue. But for high income folks, we are going to cut back on that, so we make sure the top 1% pay their fair share or more.”

Romney also appropriated the term “fairness” to sell his plan, taking a page from President Barack Obama’s playbook.

Invoking the playbook of the most economically inept President of our time is not exactly a way to endear yourself to conservatives, Mitt.  Even the establishment Republicans had to roll their eyes whilst their ‘inevitable’ candidate spoke in Obamanomics.

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Paying Their Fair Share? Obama Aides Owe $833,000 in Back Taxes

January 26, 2012 at 12:45 pm (Aides, Class Warfare, Fair Share, Fairness, President Obama, Taxes)

Fair for me, not for thee.

Remarkable, mind-numbing hypocrisy.

Investor’s Business Daily:

How embarrassing this must be for President Obama, whose major speech theme so far this campaign season has been that every single American, no matter how rich, should pay their “fair share” of taxes.

Because how unfair — indeed, un-American — it is for an office worker like, say, Warren Buffet’s secretary to dutifully pay her taxes, while some well-to-do people with better educations and higher incomes end up paying a much smaller tax rate.

Or, worse, skipping their taxes altogether.

A new report just out from the Internal Revenue Service reveals that 36 of President Obama’s executive office staff owe the country $833,970 in back taxes. These people working for Mr. Fair Share apparently haven’t paid any share, let alone their fair share.

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