New Low – Occupy Oakland Rallies in Support of Child Sex Trafficking

June 19, 2012 at 7:59 am (California, Children, HEAT, Occupy, Occupy Oakland, Occupy Wall Street, Sex, Sex Workers)

You read that correctly.  The dredges of the Earth otherwise known as the Occupy movement actually held a protest in support of child sex trafficking, including one woman’s sign which read ‘End Police Terror Against Minor + Adult Sex Workers’.

Remember when Nancy Pelosi said ‘God bless them’?

Let me channel my inner Jeremiah Wright and say – No, not God bless the Occupy movement, God damn the Occupy movement.  Well this little faction anyway can go to hell…

From PJ Media (h/t All-American Blogger):

The protesters mostly were members of Occupy Oakland Patriarchy, a group within the overall Occupy movement tasked with overthrowing our civilization’s “patriarchy.”

The conference which so infuriated them was called HEAT Watch, short for the National Human Exploitation And Trafficking Watch Conference.

If there’s one issue that unites Americans of all political stripes, it’s the sexual enslavement of children. Whatever our opinions on other issues, we all agree that sex trafficking and the prostituting of children is an outrage and a tragedy. Thus, conference attendees included liberal, moderate and conservative politicians; progressive nonprofit organizations; law enforcement groups; religious leaders; and (according to the conference Web site) “social services, medical providers, mental health, education, probation, and community-based organizations.” In short: Everybody.

Everybody, that is, except Occupy Wall Street, who somehow found a way to oppose the abolition of child sexual slavery.

Here are a couple of images from the rally, courtesy of Zombie…

One stating that sex-trafficking enforcement is raaaacist:

And the aforementioned protester who believes enforcement equals police terror against ‘minor sex workers’.  
Please click on the link for more – it does actually get worse.
The Occupy Albany movement actually look like choir boys compared to these losers out in Cali.

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Police Fail to Respond to 911 Call Because They Were ‘Too Busy With Occupy March’

February 23, 2012 at 8:45 am (9/11, Emergency, Murder, Occupy Oakland, Peter Cukor, Police)

Well at least the caller wasn’t hurt … no wait, what?

Occupy Oakland is at it again, and this time they took away police department resources from having the ability to respond to a 911 call about an intruder.  The result – a 67-year-old man was beaten to death in front of his wife.

Via the Daily Mail:

A 67-year-old man who called police about an intruder on his property was beaten to death in front of his wife 13 minutes later because authorities were too busy with Occupy Oakland to respond to the request…

Peter Cukor initially called a non-emergency number, where an officer offered to check on the situation, only to be told they had higher priority issues, namely Occupy. The man then tried going to the local fire station.

The 67-year-old then walked to a nearby fire station for help but no one was there. It was upon his return he was confronted by the intruder.

Shortly after, Mr Cukor’s wife heard him shouting for help and called 911 after seeing the suspect hitting her husband again and again over the head with a ceramic plant pot.

He was later pronounced dead in hospital. He leaves behind his wife and two sons.

Photo:  Daily Mail

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