Super Tuesday Recap: Romney Wins, Santorum, Gingrich, Do Enough to Stay Alive

March 7, 2012 at 8:26 am (2012 Election, Conservatives, GOP, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, President Obama, Republicans, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Super Tuesday)

The GOP selection process has been a long and drawn out affair, with some suggesting it is a disaster that could lead to a brokered convention.  The opposite is true, however.  Mitt Romney remains the clear front-runner, much to the chagrin of the conservative base.  But, if the lone goal of removing the most damaging Presidential term in the history of this country remains intact, then this is a good process.  If Romney earns the nomination, he will garner a large percentage of votes that will simply be cast against President Obama, and not for the candidate himself.  At the same time, his prolonged inability to capture the hearts of conservatives will actually be a positive factor for so-called independent voters – which will only earn him more votes in the general election.

Our preference in candidates goes in this order – Santorum, Gingrich, Romney.  (Paul is inconsequential and unelectable).

Unfortunately, that list gets reversed when considering which candidate has the best shot of beating Obama in a general.  Romney has the money, name recognition, presidential looks, and appeal to independents.  If he adds a hard conservative to the ticket (West, Rubio), he will be unbeatable.  Gingrich would wipe the floor with Obama in a debate, which could give him a puncher’s chance.  Santorum we’re afraid, has little shot against Obama.  (Paul still remains inconsequential and unelectable).

We maintain that Romney is the man to beat, and the only true way for it to become interesting again is for either Santorum or Gingrich to agree to drop their bid, support the other candidate, and stop peeling conservative votes away from each other.

AP reports:

Mitt Romney squeezed out a win in pivotal Ohio, captured five other states with ease and padded his delegate lead in the race for the Republican presidential nomination but was forced to share the Super Tuesday spotlight with a resurgent Rick Santorum.
“I’m going to get this nomination,” Romney told cheering supporters in Massachusetts,” pointing particularly to delegate support that was greater than the combined totals of his three rivals.
On the busiest night of the campaign, he scored a home-state win in Massachusetts to go with primary victories in Vermont and in Virginia — where neither Santorum nor Newt Gingrich was on the ballot. He added the Idaho and Alaska caucuses to his column.
Ohio was the big win, though, and the closest contest of all as the Republican rivals battled for the chance to face Democratic President Barack Obama in November.

Also, there’s this, via Michelle Malkin:

Today isn’t just about Republicans though. One example is Dennis Kucinich who is running against another Democrat in a primary in a redrawn Ohio district. The winner will face Joe the Plumber in November. (Update: Wrong ballots distributed in Toledo)

Kucinich lost.

Then of course, there’s this – The toll of the campaign trail has been rough on poor Newt Gingrich, who took a couple of power naps during a live satellite feed.

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