Pastor Who Had Laptop Stolen By Occupiers Now Has $12,000 Holy Vessel Stolen

January 22, 2012 at 1:53 pm (Bob, Brashear, Brooklyn, John Ruberry, New York, Occupy Wall Street, Tea Party, Theft, Urination, Vandalism)

Those damn Tea Partiers stole my …  wait, what?

Last week we reported on a pastor who had his $2,400 laptop stolen by the very Occupiers who he had provided shelter.  Seems the pastor still hasn’t learned his lesson – that he is clearly part of the 1%.

Via the New York Post:

There’s no longer room at the inn at a Manhattan church that’s sheltering Occupy Wall Streeters after a holy vessel disappeared from the altar last week.

… Rev. Brashear walked into the church for a morning service to find the 18-inch-diameter bronze basin and lid missing from the baptismal font’s 800-pound base. Holy water — straight from the River Jordan — had been poured from the missing basin insert into the base’s bowl.

He told the occupiers that even when the 100-year-old Upper West Side church extended help to addicts during the 1980s drug scourge, no visitors touched its $12,500 sacramental instrument.

That’s because this brand of degenerates and vandals are more than just addicts – their addicts with a sense of entitlement.
John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit responds to the incident:

The pastor at the church, the Rev. Bob Brashear, still doesn’t get it. He rightly called out the jackals, but dressed it in OWS lingo. “It was like pissing on the 99 percent.” The Post called it a “fire and brimstone message” from Brashear.

Here is my message to Brashear: You should be preaching to the 100 percent.

That would be the percentage that still believes vandalism, theft, and urination are still unacceptable forms of protest.  Normal people in other words.

Why did I bring urination into the mix?  Ruberry reports on another incident at a separate church:

Down in Brooklyn, the Post is also ecumenically reporting that a rabbi has washed his hands of the Occupy movement after he learned that an OWS protester urinated inside a Brooklyn Presbyterian church. “The Park Slope church housing occupiers was desecrated when an occupier peed inside the building and the pee came into contact with a cross,” the rabbi bemoaned in a letter.

But hey, they’re just like the Tea Party…

Image:  New York Post

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Occupy Albany Threatening, Harassing Police Officer’s Family (Use Wanted Poster With Map to His Home)

December 30, 2011 at 11:25 am (David Soares, Dredges, Harassment, Occupy Albany, Pepper Spray, Protester, Richard Gorleski, Vandalism)

Welcome Legal InsurrectionMoonBatTracker and Gateway Pundit readers!

Looks like the dredges of the earth, er, I mean, Occupy Albany is back at it again.  Last week we saw them offering up their children as human shields to defend against pepper spray.

Then, they were seen causing nearly $30,000 in damage to a holiday lights display in the park.
And now they’re threatening and harassing a police officer who had the audacity to defend himself during the Occupy Albany eviction.

Via the Times Union:

Police are taking steps to protect an Albany police officer whose family has received threats after he was publicly identified for using pepper spray to quell Occupy Albany protesters last week.

A “wanted” poster seeking information including the home address, telephone numbers and “map to home” of Officer Richard Gorleski was posted Wednesday on a Facebook page used by Occupy Albany.

Of course, being the Mensa candidates that they all are, the protestors can’t even harass people successfully:

Gorleski’s address and telephone numbers are not publicly listed. But Gorleski’s father, a Troy resident who has the same first name as his son, began receiving unsettling telephone calls from blocked numbers this week. Troy police said they have taken measures to keep watch on the residence. 

“We have, in fact, been in contact with Officer Gorleski about his concerns, and they will be our utmost priority,” said Troy police Capt. John Cooney. “We are aware of Rich’s concerns, and we’re going to take it very seriously and maintain a safe environment for his family, as we would for any person in that position.”

What has raised the ire of the Occupiers?

Gorleski used pepper spray when, according to police officials, the crowd grew unruly and converged on Gorleski and his horse.

Apparently self defense is frowned upon by the 99%.

At this point, Occupy Albany has slowly graduated from trespassing, to vandalism, and now to harassment. 
Why wouldn’t they really? 

District Attorney, David Soares, has made it clear that prosecuting crimes is not a priority of his when it comes to politcally charged cases such as Occupy Albany.  Soares is an enabler who has empowered himself to pick and choose which laws people should adhere to based on his own personal opinions.

Now the Albany police force will have to pay for the spinelessness of the DA.

Hopefully it won’t end violently.

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