Protester Heckles Former POW John McCain During Memorial Day Speech

May 29, 2012 at 7:43 am (Heckler, Hero, John McCain, Liberals, Memorial Day, MIA, Mitt Romney, POW, Respect, San Diego)

Leftists staying classy as usual…

During a speech in San Diego on Memorial Day, Senator John McCain was interrupted by a heckler wearing a POW-MIA shirt.  The event was hosted by the Romney camp, seemingly making McCain’s main crime the fact that he is Republican.

McCain ends up calling him a jerk during the video (seen below), which had to take an extraordinary amount of restraint.

Liberals are rarely aware of the situation in which they protest, so a bit of a primer on why attacking McCain on Memorial Day is especially heinous – McCain spent over five-and-a-half years as a POW in North Vietnam.  His stint included minimal medical care for a fractured leg and two broken arms, and McCain was repeatedly subjected to torture and brutality.

Whatever issues of contention one might have with McCain, he remains an American war hero of epic proportions.  Hero is a term the left has trouble understanding.  They are no longer comfortable referring to veterans and soldiers as heroes, hence the lack of respect when it comes to Memorial Day speeches.

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