Student Petitions to Reinstate Pledge of Allegiance, Wins

February 15, 2012 at 11:48 am (Allegiance, Bethlehem, Charles Abba, Hannah VanWie, New York, Pledge, Pledge of Allegiance, School, Students, Vietnam)

Some hope for our future, but expect the ACLU to file a lawsuit any minute now.

Times Union:

About a year ago, Hannah VanWie was watching a segment on the news about the Vietnam War and talking with her grandmother.

Her grandmother told her about some of the criticism aimed at troops coming back from war.

The topic evolved into patriotism.

“I told my nanny we don’t even say the pledge in the morning at school,” Hannah said.

The 16-year-old Clarksville resident and Bethlehem Central High School student said she wanted to do something about bringing back the Pledge of Allegiance. But she wasn’t sure what, so her grandmother suggested starting a petition.

So Hannah typed up her petition, and hundreds of other students joined her efforts.

A few weeks later, more than 400 of Hannah’s classmates had signed the petition. She sat down with the school’s principal during the spring semester, and school officials agreed to reinstate the daily recitation in September.

Why was the practice of reciting the Pledge abandoned in the first place?

Hannah said Principal Charles Abba told her the reason the practice was discontinued at the high school had something to do with the phrase “one nation under God” in the pledge.

Of course…

Nice work Hannah!

Photo:  Times Union

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