Chris Christie: Nation Becoming ‘People Sitting on a Couch Waiting for Their Next Government Check’

April 11, 2012 at 7:00 am (Chris Christie, Compromise, Democrats, George Bush, George W. Bush, Governor, Henry Kissinger, New Jersey, President Obama, Republican)

Is there anyone who can deny the transformation of our country into an entitlement society?  President Food Stamps seen proudly nodding in approval…


Christie spent most of his 30-minute speech on New Jersey budget issues, but brought up national policy toward the end. He said it is the least optimistic period he’s ever seen for the nation.
“It’s because government’s now telling them, stop dreaming, stop striving, we’ll take care of you. We’re turning into a paternalistic entitlement society. That will not just bankrupt us financially, it will bankrupt us morally,” Christie told Bush, Henry Kissinger and an assortment of Republican governors in a theater at the New York Historical Society.
“When the American people no longer believe that this is a place where only their willingness to work hard and to act with honor and integrity and ingenuity determines their success in life, then we’ll have a bunch of people sitting on a couch waiting for their next government check,” Christie said.
Christie never mentioned President Obama by name, but in the past has spoken about the need to reign in entitlement spending for programs like for Social Security and Medicare.

Tina Korbe at Hot Air adds:

Christie wasn’t content to merely point out the negative, though: He launched rapidly into an articulation of an alternate vision, the vision he’s implemented in the state of New Jersey. He cited his recent veto of a millionaire’s tax and his current push for a 10 percent income tax cut as examples of pro-growth policies.

He also had interesting words about the importance of in-person interaction with those with whom we disagree. ”We developed relationships with the other side of the aisle that allowed them to trust us. And that doesn’t happen overnight,” he said.”Day after day after day you have to sit with our colleagues and convince them of the goodness of your spirit and of the understanding that compromise is not a dirty word.”

Here’s where I have to disagree with the Governor.  Isn’t compromise what took place in 2006 when Democrats took over in Congress?  Isn’t compromise what led George W. Bush to abandon his free market principles, leading us down the economic path we’ve been on for several years now?  Here’s an idea – stand on principle.  Don’t compromise for the sake of saying ‘I reached across the aisle’.  Do what’s right.

Bush himself spoke at the conference, refusing to – as he called it – undermine the current President.

Via Weasel Zippers:

Bush said the topic of the conference is how to grow the private sector. He introduced Christie by complimenting his “enormous personality” and “belief in the individual,” saying even Texans had taken note of the governor.
“We admire the courageous stance you take,” said Bush, who nominated Christie to be U.S. Attorney.
“I was a proud member of the Bush administration for seven years,” Christie said, later adding that Bush “inspired a whole new generation of conservative Republican leaders.” […]
“I have decided to stay out of the limelight,” Bush said. “I don’t think it’s good, frankly, for our country to undermine the president and I don’t intend to do so. But I do intend to remain involved in areas that I’m interested in.”

Isn’t it remarkable to see the former President afford Obama a fundamental courtesy that he was never granted during his term?  All class…

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