In Celebration of Clint Eastwood – My Picture With the President

September 3, 2012 at 9:32 pm (Cher, Clint Eastwood, Empty Chair Day, Labor Day, Michelle Malkin, President Empty Chair, President Obama, Republican National Convention)

Michelle Malkin has come out in support of Clint Eastwood’s performance at the Republican National Convention in a very unique way.  She writes:

What better way to commemorate the Labor Day holiday than to send a message to the AWOL campaign-in-chief — and support Clint Eastwood, to boot!

It’s called #EmptyChairDay, where conservatives are to contribute their very own pictures with the President just as Clint Eastwood presented him.

So without further ado, here is my contribution.

It was an honor and privilege to have my picture taken with the President of the United States today…

Wait, what?  Oh… Empty Chair Day.
Well this just seems foolish in retrospect.

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Video: Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Condemn Democrat Who Compared Paul Ryan and Republicans to Nazis

September 3, 2012 at 4:15 pm (California, John Burton, Joseph Goebbels, Nancy Pelosi, Nazi, Nazis, New Tone, Paul Ryan)

Earlier this morning, we alerted you to a report that the Democrat Party Chair from California, John Burton, compared Paul Ryan and the GOP to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

From the Chronicle (who will be posting audio shortly):

Greetings from the California delegation breakfast at the DNC where before he had a cup of coffee Democratic Party Chair John Burton – much like his ol’ pal Guv Jerry Brown once did – just compared the Republicans to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, for “telling the big lie,” a reference to several falsehoods GOP VP nominee Paul Ryan recently told.

“They lie and they don’t care if people think they lie… Joseph Goebbels – it’s the big lie, you keep repeating it,” Burton said Monday before the Blake Hotel breakfast. He said Ryan told “a bold-faced lie and he doesn’t care that it was a lie. That was Goebbels, the big lie.”

The San Francisco Chronicle of all places has done a very good job of covering the story.  And now they’ve included a new video update with Burton and Nancy Pelosi standing side by side, in which the reporter asks Pelosi flat-out if she agrees with the Nazi reference.

Pelosi then goes on a brief tap-dancing session in which she doesn’t disavow Burton’s comments, but reiterates the statement that led to the comparison – that essentially Paul Ryan is lying.  She calls them ‘factual misrepresentations’ and instead of condemning the Nazi rhetoric, she makes some absurd comment about Republicans having “endless money to sell any misrepresentation to the American people”.

Watch below…

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Breaking: California Democrat Compares Paul Ryan to Nazi Joseph Goebbels

September 3, 2012 at 11:23 am (California, Democrat, Democratic Party Chair, Jerry Brown, John Burton, Joseph Goebbels, Medicare, Nazi, Paul Ryan, President Obama)

New tone alert…

According to a just released report from the San Francisco Chronicle, California Democratic Party Chair John Burton compared Paul Ryan and the GOP to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

Let’s see how – or if – the media reports this outrageous comment.  Had this been a Republican, you would have already heard about it, as opposed to having to read it here.

From the Chronicle (who will be posting audio shortly):

Greetings from the California delegation breakfast at the DNC where before he had a cup of coffee Democratic Party Chair John Burton – much like his ol’ pal Guv Jerry Brown once did – just compared the Republicans to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels, for “telling the big lie,” a reference to several falsehoods GOP VP nominee Paul Ryan recently told.

“They lie and they don’t care if people think they lie… Joseph Goebbels – it’s the big lie, you keep repeating it,” Burton said Monday before the Blake Hotel breakfast. He said Ryan told “a bold-faced lie and he doesn’t care that it was a lie. That was Goebbels, the big lie.”

Reminded that Brown drew heat for comparing the messaging of Meg Whitman’s 2010 GOP gubernatorial campaign to Goebbels, he said sarcastically, “(Bleep) that’s right, she won the election!

Burton shrugged at Brown getting in trouble. “He won it big. Goddam he was in trouble.”

Not only does he make the troubling comparison, but he shrugs it off and hints that it may be a good thing for  his future political aspirations.  Sadly, he may be right in a liberal cesspool like California.

Additionally, the Chronicle points out that Burton is wrong on his facts whilst accusing Ryan of lying.  Liars lie.

This video shows Burton railing against Ryan on his alleged ‘lies’, and referring to the vice-presidential candidate as a “horse’s ass”.

Update:  Audio of Burton’s comments…

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Joe Biden’s Secret Service U-Haul Stolen in Detroit

September 3, 2012 at 11:06 am (Crime, Detroit, Government Motors, Joe Biden, Stolen, Thief, U-Haul, Vice President)

Vice-president Joe Biden is in Detroit today for a big labor rally, and will no doubt be touting the administration’s role in bailing out Government Motors.  One phrase that is likely to be heard – “Detroit is back”.

However, one thing that isn’t back in Detroit is the vice-president’s u-haul truck carrying his Secret Service equipment.  Where did it go, you say?  It was lifted from a hotel parking lot last night.

Via Click on Detroit (h/t Gateway Pundit):

A U-Haul being used by the secret service for Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to the Labor Day Rally in Detroit on Monday was stolen out of a hotel parking lot Sunday morning.

The U-Haul was stolen form the Holiday Inn parking lot in downtown Detroit on Washington Boulevard.

The hotel has declined to comment.

The U-haul is 14-feet high, has an Arkansas backdrop on the side of the truck and has Arizona plates. The plate number is: AD09406.

No word on whether or not the administration will pardon the thief by saying, “You didn’t steal that”.

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Obama Campaign Manager Says Americans ARE Better Off Under Obama

September 3, 2012 at 10:42 am (2012 Election, Economy, Mitt Romney, President Obama, Stephanie Cutter, Unemployment)

Yesterday on Face the Nation, liberal Democrat, and Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association Martin O’Malley answered the question Obama’s advisors would not.  When asked by Bob Schieffer if he can honestly say we are better off now than four years ago, O’Malley responded, “no”.

Vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan immediately responded:

“Today’s admission by Democratic Gov. O’Malley that Americans aren’t better off today than they were four years ago is more proof that President Obama’s policies aren’t working. President Obama’s failure of leadership has led to 42 straight months of unemployment above 8 percent, 23 million Americans struggling for work, $5 trillion in new debt and a $716 billion cut in Medicare to fund Obamacare. 

“While Team Obama continues their campaign of fear and division, we are talking about the big issues that Americans face. That’s why we have a plan to strengthen the middle class and create 12 million jobs, protect Medicare, and cut the federal deficit so our economy can start growing again.”

Today however, Obama surrogates have a new tone.  Stephanie Cutter answered the same question resoundingly on NBC’s Today show.

“Absolutely”, she said.

Being better off now than four years ago means twenty-three million Americans that are unemployed, underemployed, or have stopped looking for work, is a good thing to the Obama administration.

That doesn’t sound better to any sane person, but then Cutter is prone to lying.  Consistently.

Bloomberg News recently reported on the changes between then and now:

Almost every group is worse off than it was three years ago, and some groups had very large declines in income,’ Green, who previously directed work on the Census Bureau’s income and poverty statistics program, said in a phone interview today. ‘We’re in an unprecedented period of economic stagnation.

Worse, the President who likes to portray himself as a champion of the poor, pitting Americans against each other with his rich versus poor rhetoric, is raising poverty to all new levels.

The ranks of America’s poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s amid a weak economy and fraying government safety net.

A Romney campaign spokesperson responded to the claim that Americans are better off than they were four years ago, stating:

The middle class has been crushed under President Obama, but he doesn’t seem to get it. Gas prices have doubled, incomes have dropped, poverty is headed toward fifty-year highs, and chronic unemployment is at unprecedented levels. But the Obama campaign now has a clear message for Americans – you’re doing well, you just don’t know it. Americans deserve a president who understands we’re not better off and has a plan to fix it.

The Obama campaign has been nothing but perpetual smoke and mirrors, and outright lies.  Now they’ve resorted to telling Americans that they really are just doing fine.

This doesn’t feel fine.

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Romney: Labor Day a Day of "Worrying When the Next Paycheck Will Come"

September 3, 2012 at 10:15 am (Economy, Labor Day, Mitt Romney, North Carolina, President Obama)

Mitt Romney today made the following statement on Labor Day…

“Labor Day is a chance to celebrate the strong American work ethic. But for far too many Americans, today is another day of worrying when their next paycheck will come. Over 23 million Americans are struggling for work and job creation has not returned to our economy the way it should. Even President Obama has said we aren’t better off today than we were four years ago. My plan for a stronger middle class will champion small businesses, create millions of good jobs, and build a better future for our country.”

Meanwhile, as the DNC in Charlotte is set to begin, the Charlotte Observer is reporting on a new poll which has Romney in the lead by four points.  In North Carolina, Romney leads Obama on handling the economy by a 52 to 39 edge.  Not exactly good news as the Democrats set to open their convention, where they will talk about anything but the economy.

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