Code Pink Spreading a Special Message to Republicans

August 10, 2012 at 6:34 pm (Code Pink, Republican Convention, RNC, Vagina, War on Women)

I’m going to refrain from any new innuendo or sexual puns for this one, due to yesterday’s post.  Well, with the exception of the title, of course.

And because Weasel Zippers basically drained the life out of me by posting this picture with their story.
Code Pink is apparently combating the Republican so-called War on Women by … objectifying women.  Isn’t that the very thing feminists despise?  
Via Redredhead:
An email from Code Pink enthusiastically encourages women to “Send Your V to the RNC!”  The email explains:
Can’t make it to Tampa to protest at the Republican National Convention? No worries, you can still
send your vagina to the RNC!

CODEPINK is asking activists and artists across the nation to submit artistic representations of vaginas for us to deliver to the Republican Headquarters in Tampa.
Draw out a message that the Republicans need to see bright and bold! We suggest you create vagina artwork on 8 1/2″ x 11″ fabric or paper. We will quilt the art together to carry in the March on the RNC on August 27th.
We are also calling for vagina costumes that we can wear in the streets. Is sewing your passion? Do you love repurposing thrift store finds? We’d love to wear your costume!
No photography please. Get creative! Your message of opposition to the war on women will be heard.
Eve Ensler famously said: “My vagina’s furious and it needs to talk.” Our vaginas need to talk, too. They need to talk about the way women’s rights are threatened worldwide–from anti-choice legislation to inappropriate rape jokes to economic inequality to war and occupation overseas that disproportionately affect women’s lives.

Do these people realize they actually detract from their cause by being sophomoric and utterly ridiculous?

That’s a rhetorical question by the way.

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Romney Campaign Says "America Deserves Better" Than Barack Obama

August 10, 2012 at 6:00 pm (2012 Election, America Deserves Better, Cancer, Chicago Politics, Jen Psaki, Joe Soptic, Lying, Mitt Romney, President Obama, Super PAC)

The Romney camp released a new ad today attacking the serious character flaws of our current President, and his dishonest Chicago-style method of running a campaign.

Team Mitt writes:

President Obama cannot run on his record, so he is committed to tearing down Mitt Romney. His campaign tried to use the tragedy of a woman’s death for political gain. Then, his top aides were caught lying about it. Doesn’t America deserve better than a president who will do anything to stay in power?

The Washington Examiner writes:

Mitt Romney’s campaign released a television ad asking what it says about President Obama’s character that his super PAC released a video suggesting that Romney caused a woman to die of cancer.

“What does it say about a president’s character when his campaign tries to use the tragedy of a woman’s death for political gain?” the narrator in the Romney ad asks. The video features still shots of the Priorities USA Action ad and of campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki claiming that she “can’t speak” to the ad during a recent appearance on CNN.

Here’s the video…

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Wife Of Democrat Congressman Maurice Hinchey Sentenced to Prison For DWI

August 10, 2012 at 1:51 pm (Allison Lee-Hinchey, Congress, Democrat, Drunk Driving, DWAI, DWI, Hurley, Maurice Hinchey, New York, Ulster County)

Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) recently announced his retirement after serving 10 terms in the House of Representatives.  He served New York’s 22nd congressional district since 1993.

Reasons for Hinchey’s retirement varied, though some speculated that health scares (he’s undergone two rounds of colon cancer surgery since July), and advancing age may have been the reasons.  It’s been a tough year health-wise.
Unfortunately, the bad news continues for the Hinchey family…

Allison Lee-Hinchey, the lobbyist wife of Congressman Maurice Hinchey, was sentenced to 60 days in jail Friday and three years probation for driving drunk with a suspended license last winter when she rear-ended another car on Lark Street.

Lee-Hinchey, 50, of Hurley, Ulster County, must report to the Albany County jail by 5 p.m. Friday and submit to an ignition interlock device — which checks whether a driver is intoxicated before it allows an car’s engine to start — on any car she drives for the duration of her probation…

 … “I regret my actions,” Lee-Hinchey told the judge shortly before he meted out the punishment for her second alcohol-related conviction in less than a year. She went on to say that she would try to be “a better citizen.”

The latest incident occurred in January, and established a pattern of drunk driving by Hinchey, having pled guilty to a DWAI in December.  She was also arrested on similar charges in May.

We sincerely hope Ms. Hinchey can get the help she needs in order to overcome this problem, and that the family can move on in a positive manner.  We also wish Mr. Hinchey continued health in his retirement.

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Video – 8-Year-Old Girl With Asperger’s Denied Entry Into Obama Campaign Event

August 10, 2012 at 9:53 am (2012 Election, Alana Wenger, Asperger's Syndrome Grand Junction, Colorado, Cronyism, Obama Campaign, President Obama, Secret Service)

A couple of nights ago, an 8-year-old girl with Asperger’s syndrome and her father tried to get into an Obama campaign event to see the President.  As a reporter from KJCT in Colorado explains, that little girl’s dreams were crushed.

The problem started when Obama, who is notorious for showing up late to events, actually began his speech an hour early, finishing before he was even scheduled to begin.

Because of Alana Wenger’s health issues, warm weather can be difficult for her to cope with, prompting her father to wait a little later to stand in line for the event.  By then, the President was speaking and the doors had been closed.

Upon arriving at the security entrance, the two were denied entry without explanation as to why.

Worse, after the denial, a “prominent” Democrat was whisked right into the event, despite the Secret Service saying that “nobody” would be allowed entry due to security risks.

The report (seen below) starts with this statement:

“An eight year old’s dreams were crushed when she wasn’t let in to see President Obama speak at Grand Junction High School…”

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